ABOUT CrystaLiving
CrystaLiving is not just jewellry, it is medicine. working with part recycled copper and other natural materials to intensify and activate the metaphysical, aesthetic and healing properties that each stone naturally holds.
By wearing the crystals on us, we carry their vibrational energy pattern in our aura which can help keep us clear or help in certain situations or problems where their energy can promote balance by re-aligninment on an energeticl evel. There are certain stones that we are drawn to at different moments and there is a crystal for every alment. This can work in subconsious ways effecting thought patterns, feelings, emotions, more vitality and positive energy.
The aim and mission of CrystaLiving is to promote natural beauty, creativity and magical healing vibrations with all, to balance and harmonise the body, spirit and mind.....
This came about from my own direct experience with crystals and their healing nature as the name implies they are living too as they grow and hold a certain vibrational resonnance. It also came from the desire to create simple jewelry that looked good but also had healing properties.
Crystals and their uses are numerous and mysterious, penetrating deep into our roots as a primal mineral form of life deep in the planets core that nourishes life above the surface. The mineral is the first form of life as they nourish and under pin the rest of it. It is then plants that take up these minerals in their roots and use them to grow, so do we too require minerals as all other creatures do. These holders of life can bring us around in full circle from the top to bottom of consciousness. It is also intriguing how they grow in certain places holding and materialising from certain vibrations such as the Himalayan quartz and Satya Loka Azeztulite appearing near Indian monasteries and places of deep meditation so as to spread the energy all around the world and meditating with these crystals can help resonate with that frequency.
They have numerous metaphysical properties that work through the layers of reality on psychological, physical and spiritual levels. They can act as bridges and guides between inner and outer worlds.
Crystals can work in different unseen ways and it is ultimately the power you give it in your reality but they can provide healing guidance if you are open to it and in what way you are open to it. Some see crystals as tuning forks, that hold a certain vibration and just having a crystal around can help re-align or provide assistance. An example would be like when someone is feeling lacking in love, rose quartz emanates unconditional love. Or if someone is feeling depressed, wearing or holding Citrine can help them to be more cheerful about things. I must say here that there are always things in nature that can help us in certain ways but we must not forget that we are part of nature too and we hold our own ability and responsibility to heal ourselves in any way we can or want and also how much we are open to divine assistance and love..
Crystals can be used in many ways from holding, mediating, wearing, made into water elixirs and around the home to help clear the space of radiation, electromagnetic smog or negative energies, e.g Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Rock salts etc. can help to do this.
Each crystal having a particular focus and you may be drawn to one and then go on to read about the properties and find a correlation to what was going on in your life. They bring magic, synchronicities and a deep connection to life which you may come to relise years on just how a crystal helped you work out a certain situation within your self.
This is energetic medicine for your soul's requirements.
All products are 100% hand made using natural materials. You will recieve a tie with all pendents but if a particular material is requested please state in message to seller area. The item will also come gift wrapped with a handwitten card stating what the metaphysical properties of the crystal are.
If you would like anything especially designed for your requirements, please do contact me as I love custom making crystal medicine directly for the individual. Most of my pieces may vary, like in nature nothing is exactly the same but you will get an energetically charged magical crystal for your healing purposes.
Joy, wellbeing & divine healing to all!! xxx