Crystals can be used as healing tools that help us to connect with those ancient parts of ourselves. There are more scientfic studies going on about how crystals effect or interact with us but they have to be carried out with an open mind as we know the observer effect changes results due to believes.
There is a certain mystery coatedaround crystals and the unseen forces in general, we know elctricity, thoughts and feeelings are real even though we do not neccesssarily see them.
Quartz has a piezoelectrical charge that oscillates and gives out a certain frequency that is how we have the hands ticking on a clock that regulates time. We also use qurtz to store memory in computer chips and used in speakers to amplify sound. They have a very real effect upon technology and even in our modern day lives.
We can use crystals in many ways as an extension of ourselves during meditation, healing, reki, as wands to direct energy into the places where we require the most healing. They are like solidified liquid light and correspondond to certain frequencies and as they are natural they can effect us too. We also have crystals and minerals in our bodies and can access this healing any time and in any ways we require.
When you first get your crystal is is good to cleanse it and then set an intention clearly as to what you would like it to help you with healing. Please note that no intentions should infringe on anyone elses free will or power. It is great to cleanse you crystal in white sage smoke that releases any negative energy and cleanses it. Also with visualisation and earthing them in the ground. They are good to recharge in the sunlight and at full moons. You can simply place them outside or in a bowl of sea salt water (but not if wire wrapped in copper or brass as it may go green with oxidization).
These are healing tools and can help as much as you yourself will allow. If you mediate with the crystal with an open mind... you never know what you may find. :)
May all be healed and in divine balance. A Ho!
It is so great when clients feel the healing effects of the jewellery and thank me, this makes all worth while and urges me on to do more. Here are some testimonals and if you are satidfied please do send me one too. :) Thank you.